news - just now, Dec 6, this has the same material as "board."
I, Tom Riddle, am donating to the PCHS an Epsom Perfection V500 scanner that my cousin doesn't need any more.
To learn about the scanner see:
Included with the scanner, only for the PC, not the Mac.
- An evaluation copy of Adobe Photoshop so that pictures can be edited.
- A metadata editor. With this utility you can embed the hidden data of pictures with things like your name, the year the photo was processed, and information about the picture. This editor is the same editor that Flickr uses.
The movie below demonstrates the scanner and shows you, if you don't know already, what it means to edit a picture in Photoshop. Below is the before and after of the picture, following that is the movie.
What should I do with the scanner now? Take it to the historical society? Wait until someone has a computer and monitor for it?