About us
The Portage County Historical Society was formed in April, 1951, as a non-profit educational society whose objective is "to collect, preserve and display items of historical value" relating to Portage County; to collect historical material of all kinds; and to "promote and disseminate historical information."
One of the society's goals is to encourage interest in the history of Portage County. This is achieved by the many activities of the society which includes tours of the museums and grounds for school groups and the public, a free lecture series, displays of historic items, a research library, numerous publications, speakers, and various preservation activities.
One of the society's goals is to encourage interest in the history of Portage County. This is achieved by the many activities of the society which includes tours of the museums and grounds for school groups and the public, a free lecture series, displays of historic items, a research library, numerous publications, speakers, and various preservation activities.

Board President - Debbie Sunderland
I became President of the Portage County Historical Society in 2019. I love to volunteer, and I have held positions at many Portage County organizations, including the Salvation Army Advisory Board of Portage County, Ravenna Balloon A-Fair, Windham Historical Society, and many others. My commitment to serving the community and my interest in preserving history made me decide to become a member of the Historical Society. I use all of my skills and experience to help our museum grow and prosper.
I became President of the Portage County Historical Society in 2019. I love to volunteer, and I have held positions at many Portage County organizations, including the Salvation Army Advisory Board of Portage County, Ravenna Balloon A-Fair, Windham Historical Society, and many others. My commitment to serving the community and my interest in preserving history made me decide to become a member of the Historical Society. I use all of my skills and experience to help our museum grow and prosper.

Vice President, Curator - Kevin Gray
I've lived in Portage County my whole life, and have always been interested in history. I received a Bachelor’s degree in History from Kent State University before getting a Master’s in Library Science. In 2011, I began working as a Reference Librarian at Reed Memorial Library in Ravenna, with a focus on Local History and genealogy. I began volunteering at PCHS in 2017, and conducted my first walking tour of historic buildings in downtown Ravenna on May 20th, 2017. I've offered walking tours every year since, both of downtown Ravenna and Maple Grove Cemetery. I also enjoy maintaining the Portage County Historical Society website and Facebook page. My goal as PCHS Vice President and Curator is to collect, preserve, and share local history. We have hundreds of family photos, as well as diaries, journals, and the personal possessions of Portage County residents going back over 200 years. Who knew that Astronaut Neil Armstrong had lived in Ravenna, or that barbed wire was invented by a man from Kent? There are many stories waiting to be discovered.
I've lived in Portage County my whole life, and have always been interested in history. I received a Bachelor’s degree in History from Kent State University before getting a Master’s in Library Science. In 2011, I began working as a Reference Librarian at Reed Memorial Library in Ravenna, with a focus on Local History and genealogy. I began volunteering at PCHS in 2017, and conducted my first walking tour of historic buildings in downtown Ravenna on May 20th, 2017. I've offered walking tours every year since, both of downtown Ravenna and Maple Grove Cemetery. I also enjoy maintaining the Portage County Historical Society website and Facebook page. My goal as PCHS Vice President and Curator is to collect, preserve, and share local history. We have hundreds of family photos, as well as diaries, journals, and the personal possessions of Portage County residents going back over 200 years. Who knew that Astronaut Neil Armstrong had lived in Ravenna, or that barbed wire was invented by a man from Kent? There are many stories waiting to be discovered.

Executive Secretary - Jim Wade
I am the Executive Secretary at the Portage County Historical Society and the President of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce. After proudly serving for 22 years in the Navy, I transitioned to a fulfilling civilian career. I’ve been happily married to my wife for 43 years, and we are proud parents to three wonderful children and even prouder grandparents to seven amazing grandchildren. Additionally, I am the owner and winemaker at West Main St Winery and Brewery, where I pursue my passion for crafting fine wines and brews.
I am the Executive Secretary at the Portage County Historical Society and the President of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce. After proudly serving for 22 years in the Navy, I transitioned to a fulfilling civilian career. I’ve been happily married to my wife for 43 years, and we are proud parents to three wonderful children and even prouder grandparents to seven amazing grandchildren. Additionally, I am the owner and winemaker at West Main St Winery and Brewery, where I pursue my passion for crafting fine wines and brews.

Treasurer - Andrew Madonio
It all started with a James K. Polk trading card from a loaf of Wonder Bread. My grandma, who knew I was in to baseball card collecting, figured I would enjoy a Presidential card as well. So naturally, I set out to learn more about U.S. Presidents than anyone 4th grader ever had. I dressed up as Ronald Reagan for Halloween, and did my best Calvin Coolidge expression for class pictures (a move that did not go over well in the Madonio household and resulted in my parents requesting picture retakes). Over time, I never lost my passion for learning about history. Along the way, I also learned how to balance a checkbook, so when the opportunity arose in 2018 to join the PCHS Board as the treasurer, I jumped at it. I enjoy the challenge of being a good steward of our funds while getting an up close glimpse of some of the most unique historical artifacts in all of Ohio.
It all started with a James K. Polk trading card from a loaf of Wonder Bread. My grandma, who knew I was in to baseball card collecting, figured I would enjoy a Presidential card as well. So naturally, I set out to learn more about U.S. Presidents than anyone 4th grader ever had. I dressed up as Ronald Reagan for Halloween, and did my best Calvin Coolidge expression for class pictures (a move that did not go over well in the Madonio household and resulted in my parents requesting picture retakes). Over time, I never lost my passion for learning about history. Along the way, I also learned how to balance a checkbook, so when the opportunity arose in 2018 to join the PCHS Board as the treasurer, I jumped at it. I enjoy the challenge of being a good steward of our funds while getting an up close glimpse of some of the most unique historical artifacts in all of Ohio.
Angie Reedy
Brian Rhinehart
Bob Kunst
Pat Stephens
Susan Locke
Jim DiPaola
Board meetings are the first Thursday of the month from 5:30-7pm. There is no meeting in January or July. Meetings are open to the public.